Reviews & Testimonials
Oh boy do I have a “hot take” on this one that’s about as contrarian as it gets.

The vast majority of reviews you read online are 100% BS. Online reviews are often coached, prompted, bargained for, even bought and paid for, and do not represent anyone’s actual view of a product or service.
I am highly suspicious of businesses with all great reviews and no bad ones.
There needs to be some bad ones to make me believe the people who are running the place are, well, actual people.
I have NEVER coached reviews. I have never asked anyone to review me. I’ve fixed THOUSANDS of bikes at this point. Do you know how many people have taken the time to review my business?
Check my Google page. There’s like 20 reviews there. And YES, there are a couple negative ones.
Out of the thousands of bikes I’ve fixed, the vast majority of those experiences added enough value to the customer’s situation not to prompt a bad review. The vast majority resulted in bikes that ran down the road better than they ever did before. When someone threatens me with a bad review, and they have, I tell them to POST IT. Point blank.

Regardless, there are more good ones than bad ones.
Those customers were not asked to write reviews. They took it upon themselves to write them with zero prompting or coaching from me. I do not offer discounts for reviews. I don’t even ask customers to review my business.
Yet some have, and that means the world to me. That they would take time out of their day to say nice things about me and what I did for them. I didn’t even have to ask.
I take a lot of pride in my authenticity, genuineness, and transparency.
The reviews displayed here are internal. I’m the only person who has seen them until now. I thought y’all might like to see them. I always enjoy reading them. To everyone I’ve ever done business with, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
It means so much to me to be able to work on everyone’s scooters and motorbikes year in, year out.